Famous people from
the state of New Jersey.
New Jersey does not strike fear into the hearts of vampires or rouse legions of adoring fans on the Internet but as one of America's oldest states it has a special place in history. The United States Congress owes a great deal to New Jersey. Were it not for the New Jersey plan, whereby each state would have had one vote in Congress, there would have been no Great Compromise. When US independence was assured leaders in the Continental Congress began debating how to structure the government for future generations. Virginia delegates proposed that the legislature award votes by population. The smaller states objected and New Jersey proposed that each state have one vote. The Great Compromise combined the two plans and established the House of Representatives and the Senate.
But New Jersey has given us so much more. It's not fair to the other 49 states to exclude them from the halls of fame, but sometimes I feel as though small states like New Jersey and Delaware, Maine, Rhode Island, and Vermont are pushed aside by the big states like California, Florida, Texas, and Virginia. They say that one county in California has more people than most states in the nation. That's not just insane, it correlates well to how we overlook contributions by our smaller neighbors.